Beginning on Monday 2/14 I will be revising my studio policy to reflect the governor's lifting of the mask mandate. My policy is also designed to be sensitive to the fact that COVID is still circulating, it's still highly contagious, and many of my adult students are over the age of 65.
What's New:
Masks are optional.
If you prefer to wear a mask, come to your lesson with your mask on, and I will put mine on as well. I personally will be masking the week before Spring Break so I don't risk getting sick during my vacation to Mexico.
If you have a non-covid cold or other virus, please either switch to an online lesson or wear a paper mask to your lesson.
What's the Same:
If you have COVID, please switch to an online lesson.
My studio hygiene protocols are here to stay (hand sanitizer, piano sanitizer, 2 air purifiers on 24 hours/day).
Please contact me if you. have any questions or concerns.