Upcoming Events:
October Break: 10/4 - 10/8
(no lessons)
Halloween Recital: Sunday 10/24
(Sessions @ 1:25, 2:20, & 3:15)
Thanksgiving Break: 11/22 - 11/26
(No lessons Tuesday - Friday)
Winter Recital: Sunday 12/12
Halloween Recital:
I'm excited to announce that our Halloween recital will be at the McKinley Arts and Culture Center Auditorium downtown on Sunday October 24th with sessions at 1:25, 2:20, and 3:15. Please let me know if you have a time preference. For the most part the recital will operate like past indoor recitals except we will have 3 small sessions instead of 1 big session, and we will be adding some safety measures (masks, distancing, ventilation, and hand sanitizer).
Recital Details (mwmusicstudio.com/recital)
Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early as to not interrupt the previous session
Masks are required for everyone
Audience members are asked to sit with their family only
I will be placing 6 students on each side of our backstage area for each session
Students will sanitize their hands before and after playing
Windows on both sides of the auditorium will be open for ventilation
Please don't come if you're not feeling well. There's another recital coming up on December 12th for you to attend!
Performers are encouraged to wear costumes
Recital Pep Countdown: 2 more lessons before the recital!
for a fun and stress-free recital season I encourage all
students to practice with the music and from memory every day and also practice performing for family or your phone's record button a couple times a week.